Personalized HOA Websites
Information at the touch of a button......
I never know what's going on with my HOA! I wish the communication to the homeowners was better.
One of the most common complaints we hear from the homeowners is that they just don't know where to get information on their HOA. They don't know who the Board is - how to access documents - or when to pay their annual assessments. A website can be the easiest and most cost effective ways to get information out to all homeowners in real time!
If you are considering a website for your HOA, please feel free to contact us through your Account Manager (for existing clients), or reach out to us via the Contact Us tab if you are only interested in building a website, but not utilizing Management at this time.
If you are considering a website for your HOA, please feel free to contact us through your Account Manager (for existing clients), or reach out to us via the Contact Us tab if you are only interested in building a website, but not utilizing Management at this time.
Documents All in One PlaceOver time, official documents get misplaced. Originals are lost and information changes along the way. A website can offer all homeowners one place to go and view or download current HOA documents without having to wonder who to contact to get them.
Real Time InformationDid your open Board Meeting get cancelled at the last minute? Want to announce the results following your Annual Meeting? A website can be a fantastic way for your homeowners to find out what the current happenings are in your neighborhood.
Locked FinancialsMailing HOA Financials to each and every homeowner can be time consuming and pricey! Consider posting them in a "Members Only" section of your website. The financials would only be available to those who are approved via a registration which then limits the outside world from looking into your finances.